* Sun:
a moss terrarium needs a lot of sun, but must not be exposed to direct
sunlight during summer. It's recommended to turn it around every now and
then (lets say for a quarter of circle) so all the parts get exposed to
the sun equally.
* Water: it's more likely your moss terrarium will survive if it gets less water than necessary than if it gets too much of it. You can recognize the ideal amount of water in a terrarium by tiny drops of mist on the terrarium walls during the day. If there are bigger drops of water on the glass, the terrarium should be opened so that the excess of water can evaporate. If there is no mist on the glass and the soil looks dry, then the terrarium should be watered with a few drops/a tea spoon of distilled water (distilled water doesn't leave traces on the glass and plants).
* Maintenance: because of the restricted amount of space inside of a moss terrarium, it's best if the plants grow slowly, so additional fertilising is not needed. Dry and dead parts of the plants should be removed from the terrarium as soon as possible. If a plant grows too big it should be trimmed.
* Information: everylittlething.crafts@gmail.com
* Sunce: terarij treba puno sunca ali ljeti ne smije biti na izravnom suncu. Poželjno je povremeno okrenuti terarij (npr. za četvrt kruga) u odnosu na sunce.
* Voda: terarij lakše preživljava s manjkom nego viškom vode. Idealna količina vode u terariju je kad se staklene stjenke u toku dana (kad sunce pada na terarij) zarose. Ako se na staklu pojave veće kapljice vode potrebno je otvoriti terarij da višak vode ispari. Ako na staklu nema maglice i zemlja izgleda suho, onda je terarij potrebno zaliti s nekoliko kapi/žličicom destilirane vode (destilirana voda ne ostavlja vidljive tragove po staklu i biljkama).
* Održavanje: terarij nije potrebno dohranjivati jer je poželjno da biljke u njemu, radi ograničenog prostora, sporo rastu. Suhe i istrunule biljke poželjno je čim prije ukloniti iz terarija. Ako poneka biljka u terariju previše naraste poželjno ju je pošišati.
* Informacije: everylittlething.crafts@gmail.com
Great job Maja!!!