Monday, 8 December 2014

Hand Felted Boots

I've been toying with a few felting ideas for quite some time now, but I've been putting them on hold since my little one took most of my time and energy. When I stumbled upon a photo of sewn baby boots I decided I have to give it a try.

First I had to figure out a god cut and size, then I had to figure out the best way to make sheets od felt out of our chow's undercoat, and finally sew it all together. I wasn't completely convinced that the project will be a success since every of the steps above was my first try and mostly guesswork, similar projects I found online and some logic. That's probably why I'm really proud of how it all turned out even though there is much room for improvement.

Wet felting turned out a success. Chow undercoat has much shorter strands than wool so the felt turned out a bit fragile, but I'll try stressing it a bit more in order to (hopefully) get a firmer shit of felt.

I'm planning to make a few smaller items next. Maybe some Christmass tree ornaments.
I think I have some icy-white husky undercoat leftovers somewhere... :)

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sparkling Little Things

I decided to have some fun while preparing for my wedding so I bought some Swarovski pearls, some wire and some new tools and made myself a necklace and earrings. I also put some of the remaining pearls on hairpins for the hairdo which was also in the "let's have some fun" category (meaning, I made it myself :) )
Odlučila sam se zabaviti pripremajući se za svoju svadbu, tako da sam kupila Swarovski perle, nešto žice i novih alata i napravila si ogrlicu i naušnice. Osim toga, neke sam od preostalih perlica pričvrstila na ukosnice za frizuru koja je također upala u kategoriju zabeve (sama sam ju radila :) )

Apricot paw

These cute little paws were made from apricot poodle's coat. I really like the color!
Ove dvije capice napravljene su od dlake apricot pudla. Jako mi se sviđa boja dlake!