Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Little Paw

This one I proudly wear around my neck! Its a little felt paw made from my cream chow chow's undercoat. I just have to think of some little trinket to make from my black chow's undercoat to have a black and white pair - the same as my chow boys.

Ovaj privjesak posnosno nosim oko vrata! Šapica filcana od poddlake mog krem chow chowa. Još se samo moram sjetiti neke zgodne sitnice koju bi mogla napraviti od poddlake mog crnog chowa tako da imam crno-bijeli par - baš kao moja dva chow dečka.

Saturday, 8 September 2012


My first try at samoyeds. Silhouettes and a detailed version.
Moj prvi pokušaj sa samojedima. Siluetice i detaljni privjesak.

Thursday, 6 September 2012


These is something I really wanted to try for a while now. I've seen amazing hand felted figurines on the Internet and, having two chows at home, I really wanted to find out if their undercoat can be felted. I tried and - it can! So here it is - hand felted paws made from my black and cream chows' undercoat.
Ovo je nešto što sam već dugo htjela probati! Na Internetu sam vidjela prekrasne ručno filcane figurice, a kako kod kuće imam dva chow chowa, htjela sam saznati može li se njihova poddlaka filcati. Pokušala sam i - može! Rezultat filcanja su ove dvije šapice napravljene od  poddlake mog crnog i krem chowa.